The Exile Memorial Museum promotes an inclusive historical memory

The Exile Memorial Museum (MUME) highlights the role of women in Republican exile

The Exile Memorial Museum (MUME) has renovated its facilities to give more visibility to the women who lived in republican exile during the Spanish Civil War. The aim is to promote an inclusive historical memory that incorporates a broader gender perspective. According to the Government, this initiative seeks to highlight the fundamental role that women played in areas such as literature, science and politics during this historical period.

A room dedicated to the women of the republican exile

One of the museum’s most important rooms, which until now had seven female references, has been remodeled to include twenty relevant women in the literary, scientific and political fields. This expansion will allow visitors to better understand the professional careers of women during the Republic and their impact on the society of the time. Some of the prominent women who have been added are the teacher and politician Nativitat Yarza, the poet Montserrat Abelló, the plastic artist Remedios Varo and the journalist Irene Polo, among others.

A feminist look at history

The director of the MUME, Miquel Aguirre, has highlighted the importance of incorporating a feminist perspective in history to have a complete vision of the past. According to Aguirre, women played a decisive role during the Republic, but they have often been forgotten or made invisible in historical accounts. With this initiative, the museum seeks to reverse this situation and give prominence to the women who contributed to the progress of society at that time.

An interactive space to understand the phenomenon of refugees

In addition to the renovation of the rooms dedicated to the women of the republican exile, the MUME has installed an interactive space with a touch screen that explores the phenomenon of refugees from a historical and contemporary perspective. This section allows visitors to better understand the causes and consequences of exile, as well as make connections with today’s reality. The director of the museum, Miquel Aguirre, has highlighted the importance of approaching this issue from a global and inclusive perspective.

The Exile Memorial Museum (MUME)

The MUME is a museum dedicated to the memory and legacy of the Republican exile caused by the Spanish Civil War. Located at the border crossing where most of the exiles fled, the museum aims to recover and disseminate the memory of those who lived this traumatic experience. In addition to permanent and temporary exhibitions, the MUME also promotes historical research and educational dissemination through various entities that collaborate with the museum.

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