The falling Manresa is nothing new

A known situation

It is remarkable, but understandable, that 42% of the City Council’s emergency actions on buildings in Manresa are concentrated in the historic core. It is no surprise that this area requires more attention, as it is the oldest area of ​​the city and contains buildings with a great historical wealth. Buildings built in the last twenty years in the most modern neighborhoods cannot be expected to have the same emergency response needs.

The importance of the historic center

The historic center of Manresa, known as ‘Old Manresa’, includes the old walled enclosure and the pre-industrial slums. This area is considered the historic center of the city and contains buildings of great architectural and cultural importance. While some of these buildings are sound, many others have structural problems. In the past, replacement actions have been taken to renovate some of these buildings, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

The need to act

It is important that local authorities take the initiative and act to ensure the safety and preservation of Manresa’s architectural heritage. The city cannot allow older buildings to deteriorate to the point of being a hazard to its residents and visitors. Although economic difficulties may have limited actions in recent years, it is time to overcome these limitations and work to improve the situation.

An opportunity for Manresa

Despite the challenges, the situation in the historic center of Manresa can also be seen as an opportunity for the city. With effective collaboration between the public and private sectors, and with an ambitious political vision, this area can be transformed into an example of sustainable urban development and heritage preservation. It is a challenge that requires decisive action and long-term commitment.


The situation in the historic center of Manresa is well-known and requires immediate action. It is important that local authorities take the initiative and work to ensure the safety and preservation of the city’s architectural heritage. This situation is nothing new, but it can be an opportunity for Manresa to achieve sustainable urban development and preserve its historical wealth.

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