Inici » The ‘First Dates’ program and its peculiar moments

The ‘First Dates’ program and its peculiar moments

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A blind dating program

‘First Dates’ is a television program that airs from Monday to Friday at 9:05 p.m. on Cuatro. Its main objective is to bring couples together on a blind date so they can meet each other and discover if they are compatible. During a dinner, the participants talk and decide if they want to have a second date or if they prefer not to continue with the relationship.

Presented by Carlos Sobera

The program is presented by Carlos Sobera, and premiered in 2016. Since then, it has been a success and has become a benchmark for Cuatro. Viewers can enjoy ‘First Dates’ every week from Monday to Friday at 9:05 p.m.

Peculiar and strange moments

‘First Dates’ has given us some of the most peculiar and strange moments throughout its broadcast. Although the goal of the program is for participants to find love, it is not always achieved. Some quotes have turned out to be quite unusual and have left viewers surprised.

Sara and David’s date

In one of the most recent episodes, the show brought Sara and David together. Sara described herself as a simple person with peculiar tastes, since she does not consider herself a copy of others. Additionally, she revealed that she is a creator of erotic content and that she is looking for someone who accepts her profession. For his part, David defined himself as an extroverted and adventurous person, interested in having a liberal and open relationship in the sexual aspect.

During the date, Sara and David discovered that they had few tastes in common. Sara preferred a quiet and homely life, while David was more of a party animal and liked to go out. In addition, Sara confessed that she does not like reggaeton, something that David did not like. At one point, David commented: ‘Can I go? It’s too much, it can’t be.’ Despite this, David expressed his interest in going on a second date, but Sara decided that she did not want to continue meeting him.

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