Inici » The Girona Municipal Employment Service will improve attention to jobseekers

The Girona Municipal Employment Service will improve attention to jobseekers


Increased attention to job seekers

The Municipal Employment Service (SMO) of Girona City Council will improve attention to jobseekers with higher availability. As explained in a statement, both the Information Point and the Job Point will be boosted, increasing the days of attention and extending the hours in order to facilitate the job search.

This change will come in July, offering care from Monday to Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., compared to the current limited availability.

Increase in the number of people served

The number of people served in 2023 has grown significantly compared to previous years. The Information Point served almost twice as many people as in 2022, and the Job Point assisted four times more people than the previous year.

Boost to the local economy

Raquel Robert Rubio, Councilor for Labor at the Girona City Council, and Eva Fortià Rius, director of the Municipal Employment Service (SMO), have highlighted the fundamental role of the SMO in boosting and modernizing Girona’s economy . They emphasize that the city offers many economic opportunities and that it is crucial that these reach the maximum number of residents.

During 2023, approximately 1,150 jobs have been managed, 50 more than the previous year. There has also been a 26% increase in the number of job placements, as well as outstanding support for the creation of new companies.

Diversification of the labor supply

Highlight that the economic activities with the most job offers include the hospitality sector, commerce, health and social services activities, administrative activities and auxiliary services, as well as manufacturing industries. This diversity reflects the varied demand for job profiles, ranging from trade and restaurant staff to industry professionals.

Support for self-employment and the creation of companies

Significant support for business creation is noted, with outstanding advice and an increasing number of new business initiatives.

These actions have had a direct impact on the reduction of unemployment in the city, with a decrease of 6.41% compared to 2019.

Promotion of training and professional qualification

During 2023, the SMO has promoted training through programs such as SMObilitza’t, offering a range of training capsules that have attracted a considerable number of participants. In addition, special emphasis has been placed on the professional qualification of job seekers to ensure optimal adaptation to the labor market.

In addition, efforts to provide educational opportunities to young people who have completed compulsory education without obtaining a degree are highlighted, as reflected in the success of the Work Transition Plan (PTT).

Promotion of digital literacy

Another key objective of the SMO is to promote digital literacy, a task in which it has achieved positive results. Interest and participation in digital literacy courses has experienced a notable increase, with a higher number of people trained and certified.

Support for the recruitment of disadvantaged profiles

The SMO has also actively promoted the hiring of disadvantaged profiles in the labor market, offering opportunities to those who have the most difficulty finding work. These actions have contributed significantly to the integration of these groups in the workplace.

To carry out all these actions, the SMO has received several grants that have allowed it to strengthen its activities and increase its attention capacity.

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