Inici » The government of Sant Fruitós demands the payment of an electoral penalty to the ex-mayor

The government of Sant Fruitós demands the payment of an electoral penalty to the ex-mayor

una dona amb vestit blau parla en un podi amb un micròfon davant i una paret darrere, Eva Gonzalès, foto realista, una fotografia d'estoc, regionalisme

The penalty claim

The Governing Board of Sant Fruitós de Bages, made up of councilors from Gent fént Poble, has issued a resolution in which it asks the former mayor for ERC Àdria Mazcuñan, currently in the opposition, to pay 600 euros corresponding to a penalty imposed on the City Council for actions during the 2023 municipal election campaign.

Origin of the sanction

At the end of last year, the Administrative Disputes Court of Barcelona confirmed a penalty of 600 euros imposed on the Sant Fruitos City Council for the violation of the General Electoral Regime during the ERC, Junts and PSC government during the campaign of the municipal elections last May. The sanction was derived from writings presented by Gent fént Poble in relation to actions of the previous government.

Complaint to the ex-mayor

The current executive of Sant Fruitós considers that the sanction should be aimed at the groups that formed the municipal government at the time (ERC, Junts and PSC) and not at the City Council itself. For this reason, the government requested in December the initiation of a file in order to request that these parties be the ones to assume the sanction. Now, the government of Sant Fruitos is demanding payment of the 600 euros from the ex-mayor, arguing that, according to the legal reports made by municipal staff, the penalty must be borne by whoever was responsible for the electoral communications.

Answer from the former mayoress

Mazcuñan presented an allegation to this requirement that the municipal legal services have dismissed. For this reason, a firm claim has been made to the ex-mayor to pay these 600 euros to the City Council.

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