The Hidden Game: Revelations about Judicial Snitches and Truncated Political Careers

Secret Snitches: Rajoy’s Government Warns About Judicial Records

In 2014, the Minister of Finance, Cristóbal Montoro, received a confidential email that revealed an imminent plan to carry out searches in government institutions in Lugo. The email, sent by his chief of staff, warned about the imminent action of Customs Surveillance, ordered by Judge Pilar de Lara, as part of the investigation of the Pokémon case.

The Pokémon Case: A Political Storm

The investigation into the Pokémon case, which began in 2012, focused on a network of illegal concessions allegedly granted by several Galician administrations. The case shook the political landscape, affecting numerous political leaders, including José Ramón Gómez Besteiro and José López Orozco.

Besteiro: Victim of Lawfare

José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, current leader of the PSdeG, was one of the most prominent figures affected by the Pokémon case. The PSOE considers him a victim of lawfare, a legal tactic used to harass political opponents.

Judge Pilar de Lara opened several investigations against Besteiro, accusing him of crimes in the purchase of his home and in the granting of public contracts. These accusations tarnished his political career and forced him to withdraw from the race for the presidency of the Xunta.

Orozco: The Apart Mayor

José López Orozco, at that time the most valued mayor of Galicia, was also forced to resign due to his involvement in the Pokémon case. His second, Lara Méndez, assumed the position of mayor until the last regional elections.

Pilar de Lara: Sanctioned for Irregularities

Judge Pilar de Lara was dismissed in 2020 and suspended from employment and salary due to a report from the General Council of the Judiciary that revealed more than one hundred irregularities in the investigation of her cases.

The Power of Inside Information

The email received by Montoro suggests that the government had access to privileged information about ongoing judicial proceedings. This raises questions about the impartiality of the judicial system and possible political influence on legal processes.

The Impact of Judicial Proceedings on Political Careers

The judicial proceedings in the Pokémon case had a profound impact on the political careers of Besteiro and Orozco. The accusations and public records tarnished his reputation and truncated his political aspirations.

Besteiro: The Return to Politics

Despite the accusations against him, Besteiro recovered his political career in 2021 after all the cases against him were archived. His return to politics highlights the resilience of individuals in the face of adversity.

Orozco: The Legacy of Injustice

José López Orozco never regained his position as mayor. His experience serves as a reminder of the potentially devastating consequences of unfounded accusations and judicial irregularities.

Reflections on the State of Justice

The Pokémon case and its implications raise fundamental questions about the state of justice in our society. Inside information, judicial irregularities and politically motivated accusations can undermine public confidence in the legal system.

It is essential to ensure the impartiality and independence of the judiciary to protect the rights of citizens and maintain the integrity of our democratic system.

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