Inici » The importance of Primary Care in the configuration of a regional medical network

The importance of Primary Care in the configuration of a regional medical network

un metge parlant amb un pacient en una habitació amb un mirall darrere i una dona amb camisa blava i corbata, Arthur Sarkissian, imatge promocional, una foto d'estoc, neoplasticisme

A collaborative vision of health care

The Puigcerdà Hospital Foundation becomes a key element in the configuration of a regional medical network, acting as a provider of primary care and social health services. The manager, Lluís Carreras, raises the possibility of collaboration with the French counterparts, with the aim that both CatSalut and ARS can finance services on the other side of the border, facilitating reciprocal hospitalization and guaranteeing the attention to patients at times of full employment. This collaborative approach extends to other health entities, such as Althaia de Manresa, evidencing a shared vision of responsibility towards the needs of the population.

Expanding collaboration

The Puigcerdà Hospital Foundation also prioritizes collaboration with the Maisons de Santé in the French region, where primary care is mainly concentrated. These centers have doctors, nursing services, physiotherapy and secretaries, all of whom work independently. This model extends to several localities such as Enveitg, Osseja, Font Romeu and Sallagosa, evidencing cross-border integration in the provision of medical services.


Cross-border collaboration in primary care emerges as an innovative model that responds to the needs of the population in a cross-border region. This approach, based on reciprocity and shared responsibility, not only improves accessibility to medical services, but also strengthens cohesion between health entities in a regional context.

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