Inici » The importance of Spiritual Exercises in the ecological crisis

The importance of Spiritual Exercises in the ecological crisis

un gran grup de persones assegudes en cadires en una església amb un podi al mig de la sala, Adriaen Isenbrant, centrat, una foto de desplaçament d'inclinació, escola de Heidelberg

The second Symposium on the Spiritual Exercises in the Cova de Manresa

The Santuari de la Cova de Manresa is currently hosting the second Symposium on Spiritual Exercises, an event that began in 2022 to commemorate the 500 years of Saint Ignatius’ stay in Manresa. This symposium is organized by the International Center of Ignatian Spirituality, the Ignatian School of Spirituality and an intercontinental committee, and aims to address the question of how the Spiritual Exercises can contribute to generating awareness and a change of attitudes towards the ecological crisis.

A global reflection with international speakers

The symposium has the participation of speakers from different parts of the world, who provide a global view on the subject. This diversity of perspectives enriches the discussions and allows for the exploration of different approaches to addressing the ecological crisis from the spiritual realm.

Intended for professionals in the spiritual field

The symposium is mainly aimed at people who accompany Spiritual Exercises, as well as those responsible for training in Ignatian spirituality and directors of centers and houses of spirituality. This specific hearing allows us to delve deeper into the practical implications of the Spiritual Exercises in relation to the ecological crisis.

Complementary activities

In addition to the sessions of presentations and debates, the symposium includes several complementary activities. One of these activities is a trip to Montserrat, which offers participants the opportunity to enjoy a walk from Santa Cecília to the monastery, attend mass at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montserrat and participate in prayer of Vespers with the monks.

Exercises on ecological topics

Once the symposium is over, the International Center for Ignatian Spirituality offers the possibility of performing the Spiritual Exercises focused on the ecological theme. These exercises will be taught in English by Xavier de Bénazé and in Spanish by Fernando López, Arizete Miranda, Ximena Vizcaíno and Maria del Mar Bosch, members of the Amazon Traveling Team.

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