The importance of the artistic work and its traditions

A reflection on art and its transcendence

Despite not being obliged to express myself publicly about the artistic intention of my creation, I have decided to leave my silence to address the circumstances and controversy surrounding the work ‘The Great Bacchanal’. This work, curated by Rosa Cerarols, Pep Espelt and Eduard Finestres from the Konvent collective, took place last June 5 as part of the VII Culture and Rural Forum in Tortosa.

Art as a universal language

Before we begin, it is important to remember that the religious imagination does not belong to any specific group, but is part of our collective identity and culture. Through art, religious themes become a universal language that transcends borders and eras, allowing people to connect with the divine, sacred and spiritual in various ways. The work ‘The Great Bacchanal’ reflects this ability to reinterpret and resignify religious symbols in new and diverse contexts.

The dignity of the modest baldana

From my artistic point of view, I have decided to give the modest baldana a dignity that goes beyond its mundane meaning. This choice arises from deep reflection on the semantic and aesthetic power that religious symbols contain, thus elevating the meaning of creation to a metaphysical level.

Santa Baldana: a universal story

Santa Baldana is a story that does not seek to make fun of any belief, but seeks the veneration of a cohesive element that symbolizes the union of towns and communities in celebrations and events. This work is inspired by the traditions and customs that have been integrated into our society throughout history.

An invitation to dialogue

I want to address those people who may feel offended or uncomfortable in front of the work ‘La Gran Bacchanal’. My intention was never to offend their beliefs or symbols. I am open to exchanging opinions and debating the meaning of altering symbols and traditions in our community.

A work that has generated controversy

I deeply regret the controversy that has surrounded ‘La Gran Bacchanal’ and that has diverted the attention of the VII Forum of Culture and Ruralities in Tortosa. This event had more than 80 interventions of interest and artistic excellence.

A call for calm

In the midst of this controversy, I want to convey a message of calm to those people who may feel uncomfortable in front of the venerated figure of Santa Baldana. I hope that in time they will be able to recognize that this work does not represent any danger to the city, but symbolizes times of abundance and blessings.

The freedom to create and deposit our faith

Ultimately, I consider the individual freedom to create, choose, and respect the narratives in which we choose to put our faith to be crucial. Art is a tool to express ourselves and connect with the sacred and spiritual, regardless of the different interpretations that may arise.


In short, ‘The Great Bacchanal’ is a work that seeks reflection and reinterpretation of religious symbols in a contemporary context. It does not intend to offend any belief or tradition, but invites dialogue and mutual understanding. Art has the ability to connect and enrich us as a society, and it is important to value the diversity of artistic expression and its traditions.

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