Inici » The Manresa holes

The Manresa holes

un edifici amb moltes finestres i un balcó amb barana de balcó i una porta amb finestra, Enguerrand Quarton, vfx, una representació digital, romànic

Manresa and its old buildings

Manresa is a city that has a problem with its older buildings. This has been recognized by the Councilor for Housing, Historical Center and Licensing. This serious lack has caused the partial collapse of two buildings. But this difficult situation can have something positive.

The debate on the historic core

The recognition of Manresa’s holes has opened a debate on how to prevent the historic center of the city from deteriorating to the point of becoming rubble. It is important to take measures to protect this old part of Manresa and preserve its history and heritage.

Recognizing the problems

It is important to recognize that Manresa has problems and not to hide them. Only when we recognize the imperfections and know the city’s flaws can we begin to address them effectively. This implies a deep debate about what Manresa is today and what it can become in the future.

The importance of shared responsibility

Manresa City Council is not the only one responsible for solving this problem. All the agents involved, such as citizens and other institutions, must work together to find solutions and improve the city’s situation. It is a challenge that requires the collaboration of everyone.

Looking to the future

Manresa is not a disaster, but it has problems that need to be addressed. It is important to accept reality and work to improve it. This involves taking measures to protect old buildings, improve socio-economic conditions and define a clear vision for the future of the city.

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