The Mystery and Disputes Surrounding Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island

Development Agreement between Russia and China

On May 16, Russia and China signed an agreement on the development of Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island. According to the agreement, a border crossing, transport, logistics, recreational and tourist facilities will be established on the island. Russian Minister for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic Alexei Chekunkov mentioned that a roadmap with specific dates is being prepared, which will be finalized and adopted by the end of the year. In addition, the border crossing is expected to be built and put into operation within the next three years.

Origins of the Controversy

The controversy surrounding the island of Bolshoy Ussuriysky dates back to 2023, when China published a map that appeared to revise its territorial borders to claim large areas of territory, including part of the island that belongs to Russia. This publication raised tensions, as Russia and China have had disputes over ownership of the island for years. Despite this, in 2004 both nations reached an agreement on the matter, where Russia handed over part of the island to China, and in exchange, China agreed not to claim any more territory in Russia.

Border Disputes and Control of the Island

Bolshoy Ussuriysky is located at the confluence of two border rivers, the Ussuri and the Amur, and its ownership is legally shared between Russia and China. Although the border demarcation was completed in 2008, questions about who controlled the island arose much earlier, in 1860, when the border between the nations was drawn along the Amur River and its status was uncertain. After years of disputes, an agreement was reached in 2004 that divided the island approximately in half, with Russia giving part to China.

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