Inici » The mystery of Karel’s disappearance: a trip that ended in uncertainty

The mystery of Karel’s disappearance: a trip that ended in uncertainty

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The last message and the disappearance

Karel, a 41-year-old man living in Villalba (Madrid), disappeared after sending a message to his partner indicating that he was going to rest and that they would talk the next day. This event has left his family in uncertainty for almost half a year.

His phone was turned off more than five months ago, and no one has been able to contact him since. Despite attempts and calls, his whereabouts remain unknown. His mother is pleading for information on his well-being, as they have not heard from him since the early hours of January 10.

Despite the efforts of the SOS Desaparecidos association, no clue has been received about his whereabouts. Karel, of Cuban origin, had settled in Madrid for two decades and was known for his frequent travels due to his work in the buying and selling of cars.

The last communication

Karel’s last known contact was with his partner, to whom he mentioned that he was going to rest and that they would talk the next day. In addition, he sent a photo indicating that he had arrived in France, a destination he was going to for work reasons.

His mother, Maricel, has led the search for her son, without making significant progress. Despite her disappearance, the resolution of a trial in her favor has left her lawyer in search of Karel to give him a considerable sum of money.

Uncertainty and desperate search

Karel’s absence has generated concern and confusion among his loved ones. Despite his active social life and his good relationship with his family, his sudden disappearance has left everyone without answers.

Maricel, his mother, has expressed her anguish at not receiving any signal from her son, and has highlighted that his life revolved around his passion for vehicles and the constant trips related to his work.

The uncertainty about his whereabouts has led his mother to request the collaboration of anyone who may have information about Karel, in the hope of obtaining some clue that will clarify the mystery of his disappearance.

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