Inici » The new Manresa police station: Delays and broken promises

The new Manresa police station: Delays and broken promises

dos policies a l'exterior d'un edifici amb una porta oberta i un banc davant d'ella a la vorera, Alén Diviš, art nou, graffiti, accionisme vienès

The current situation

The new mixed police station between the Local Police and the Mossos de Manresa is still not in operation after more than a year of ‘promises that have not been fulfilled’, as reported by the members of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Manresa ( FAVM). At first, the City Council assured that it would open at the beginning of 2023 and they are still waiting for it. In addition, they have complained about ‘requests ignored or postponed without explanation’ when holding a new security meeting with the City Council. The current situation, added to the growing feeling of insecurity in the city, has made them raise their voices.

Neighbors’ concerns

One of the main concerns of the residents is the inauguration of the new mixed police station in Manresa, which should promote an improvement in the efficiency of the work of the Local Police and Mossos agents in the city, thanks to the collaboration of the two bodies Its launch, however, continues to suffer delays. At first, the council announced that it would be operational at the beginning of 2023. Then, it was assured that its opening would be this April and, in mid-June, the federation of neighborhood associations still they wait As they say, they are promises ‘that do not materialize’.

Difficulties with security tables

The group also complains about the difficulties that the City Council puts in holding new security tables, sessions dedicated to coordinating efforts and designing strategies to deal with security problems, together with the local government. According to Dani Cortès, coordinator of the federation’s Security Board, none has been held for six weeks, while it was agreed that they would be held every four. For this reason, they urge the City Council to unblock it ‘urgently’.

Lack of concreteness and transparency

In addition, the ‘lack of concreteness and transparency’ on the part of the City Council when communicating new security measures has been highlighted, referring to the announcement of the incorporation of 23 new agents to the Local Police staff to patrol the streets, not all of them are newly incorporated.

Increased insecurity

In recent weeks, Manresa has been the scene of several incidents that have increased the feeling of insecurity among the members of the different associations of Manresa residents. They highlight a violent robbery by a 23-year-old young man of a girl, as well as a series of robberies with violence, cases of harassment and group assaults on minors. This increase in criminal acts and incidents has upended the lives of citizens and puts the coexistence and well-being of the entire community at risk.

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