The opposition criticizes the lack of action of the tripartite government in Manresa

Together for Manresa criticizes the management of the government

The president of the Junts municipal group, Ramon Bacardit, assures that the situation in Manresa has worsened in the last year, both from a social and economic point of view. Bacardit considers that the government acts defensively and does not lead the city. In addition, he criticizes the attitude of the mayor and the governing parties, stating that they are more concerned with image and control than governing.

Fem Manresa highlights the lack of attention to everyday problems

The spokeswoman for the Fem Manresa municipal group, Roser Alegre, expresses her dissatisfaction with the first year of the government’s mandate. He believes that while the lives of the poor are getting worse, the government is focusing on big projects that do not have a direct positive impact on people’s lives. Alegre criticizes that government policies do not address the daily needs of citizens.

The National Front calls for more decisive action

The president of the municipal group of the National Front, Sergi Perramon, considers that the government acts late and complexly in dealing with the problems affecting the city. Perramon highlights the importance of preserving Catalan identity and social cohesion, and criticizes the lack of action in these areas. Nevertheless, the National Front assesses the first year of government in a constructive way and assures that it will continue to be a responsible opposition.

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