The Orfeó Català and the Escriny Choir will offer a joint concert

The Catalan Orfeó and the Escriny Choir: a musical collaboration

The Orfeó Català and the Escriny Choir come together to offer a joint concert that promises to be a unique musical experience. This collaboration between the two choirs aims to establish links and foster a close relationship between the two choral formations in Catalonia. Since its creation in 2012, the Xarxa Choral project has been an opportunity for the Catalan Orfeó to share the stage with other prominent choirs in the country. This year, Santpedor will have the honor of hosting this special concert.

The concert in Santpedor

The concert in Santpedor will be a unique opportunity for the Escriny Choir to share the stage with the Orfeó Català. The concert program will include two distinct parts. The first part will be dedicated to Germanic romantic music, with pieces by composers such as Mendelssohn, Bruckner and Brahms. The second part will be dedicated to Catalan music, with the premiere of the Suite Rosa dels Vents by Carles Prat Vives, a work that celebrates the bicentenary of the birth of Josep Anselm Clavé. The concert will culminate with two songs performed jointly by the Orfeó Català and the Escriny Choir.

The concert at the Palau de la Música

After the concert in Santpedor, the Orfeó Català and the Escriny Choir will move to the prestigious stage of the Palau de la Música Catalana. In this concert, the two guest choirs will perform a varied repertoire that will include pieces from different styles and origins. The concert will culminate with a joint performance by the three choirs, directed by their respective directors. It will be a unique opportunity to enjoy choral music by three highly prestigious formations.

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