The rain during the revetlla of Sant Joan

A rainy night

The rain during the Sant Joan festival is a more serious inconvenience than during other festivities in the country. During the night of the fire, it would be ideal if there was no precipitation. This holiday Sunday, many areas of the country have woken up with clouds and this raises doubts about the celebration. The Meteorological Service of Catalonia has issued forecasts for the afternoon and evening of the solstice, warning that clouds will be present throughout the day. However, there is no risk of rain everywhere during the local festivities (

Forecasts by counties

According to Meteocat, some regions between Barcelona and Girona show a risk of rain, but the central coast will remain dry. No rain is expected in Barcelona and the neighboring regions on Sunday. There will also be no precipitation in Girona or in the rest of the country’s capitals. In Lleida, the sky will be clear. In Tarragona, there will be clouds during the afternoon and evening, but no risk of rain. The regions in the north-west are the ones with the greatest chance of rain, especially La Selva, Vallès Oriental, Osona, Berguedà and Moianès. There is also a small risk of rain in some areas of the Maresme (

Low risk by region

According to Meteocat data, there is still no cause for alarm for the party. In the regions with a risk of rain, it will be concentrated in some hours of the afternoon and will gradually dissipate as the key hours of the festival approach. This is what will happen in Moianès, where the main risk of rain will be in the early hours of the afternoon and will decrease as the day progresses. In Vallès Oriental, precipitation will be concentrated in the central hours of the afternoon, especially in the localities close to La Selva. In the Maresme, there will be showers in the mid-afternoon, but they will fade as the night approaches. In Osona, there will also be rain around Vic in the mid-afternoon, but the risk will decrease as the party progresses. In Santa Coloma de Farners, there will be relatively intense showers after noon and until mid-afternoon, but the sky will stop raining from the evening (

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