The regional council of Anoia improves the canteen service in schools

The Regional Council of Anoia creates a commission to improve the quality of school canteens

The Anoia Regional Council has taken an initiative to improve the quality of the canteen service in the region’s schools. With the aim of having a point of dialogue between the administration, the parents and the concessionary company, a commission has been created that will work to improve the dishes served in the school canteens.

The first meeting of the Regional Commission for Control and Monitoring of the Dining Service of the Anoia Regional Council was recently held at the Anoia Motor Campus in Castellolí. The meeting was attended by representatives of the administration, the directors of the educational centers, the representatives of the municipalities and the associations of parents of students. Representatives of the dining service concessionaire company, Servei d’Àpats S.L., also participated.

Improvement of the school canteen service

During the meeting, the company Servei d’Àpats S.L. has presented the planning and complementary documentation of the school menus for the next year. The commission has evaluated this proposal and has sent proposals for improvement, which will be taken into account by the company.

The Regional Councilor for Education, Jordi Gamero, has highlighted the importance of this commission to guarantee the quality and monitoring of the school canteen service in the Anoia region. With this initiative, we seek to ensure transparent and efficient management, listening to all the parties involved and continuously improving this vital service for the families of Anoia.

Functions of the commission

The commission will meet regularly to evaluate the operation of the school canteen service and formulate proposals for improvement. It will also have the power to give its opinion on the award and extension of the contract, as well as to transfer the information to the groups it represents.

With the creation of this commission, the Regional Council of Anoia seeks to ensure that the school canteen service works optimally, taking into account educational, health and dietary aspects, as well as staff training and the adequacy of the interactive space.

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