Inici » The relationship between Wieliczka and Cardona

The relationship between Wieliczka and Cardona

un castell il·luminat de nit en un turó amb una carretera que puja pel seu costat i muntanyes al fons, Albert Dorne, medieval, un barroc flamenc, romànic

A historical relationship

In the last articles published in Regió7, there was talk of the connection between the salt mines of Cardona and a town in Poland. However, no reference has been made to the actions and performances that took place in 1998, when an important delegation from the Cardona City Council visited the city of Wieliczka.

It should be borne in mind that this visit took place during a time of crisis and the search for activities to bring wealth to Cardona. In this sense, different projects were studied, among which the therapeutic use of some galleries of the salt mine was considered, as has been done in other parts of the world.

La visita a Wieliczka

During the visit to Wieliczka, the mayor and a dozen other people were received by local authorities and had the opportunity to visit various facilities, including the potash mine, one of the largest in the world . In addition, they were able to see how one of the mine’s old galleries had been converted into a night hospital-residence for asthmatics.

During these days, it was possible to appreciate the wealth and diverse use of the salt mines, as well as the projects and goals they had in mind for the future, especially after entering the European Union.

A promising first contact

This visit was the starting point for other proposals for European programs and for the establishment of an association of cities with salt mines. Although some of these projects had different vicissitudes due to changes in political representation, the first contact was an important step for the relationship between Wieliczka and Cardona.

If today it is decided to carry out this relationship, it would be a great opportunity for both cities. However, it is important to remember that this first contact was the result of the effort and interest of the mayoress and the entire Cardona delegation.

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