The Silenced Crisis: Sudan’s Displaced Children Face an Invisible Battle

A hidden crisis

According to the observations of the UN Committee on the Human Rights of the Child, approximately 24 million young people in Sudan are in a situation of extreme vulnerability, threatened by a crisis that puts at risk their survival and the his future

Displacement and desolation

For months, these young people have been deprived of their right to education, deprived of the emotional stability that school usually provides. Millions have been forced to leave their homes due to the conflict that has erupted since April 15, 2023, and are now in a situation of extreme need, with chronic shortages of food and basic health services.

An invisible suffering

In the midst of this humanitarian storm, children suffer undue punishment: sexual violence, ethnic discrimination, abductions, forced recruitment by armed groups and the anguish of indiscriminate violence.

The director of World Vision Sudan, John Makoni, warns of the dire situation, describing Sudan as perhaps the most inhospitable place for young people at the moment. The physical and emotional challenges they face are enormous, a harsh reality that denies their childhood and their right to a life without fear.

Fight for normality

In response to this silenced crisis, World Vision, in collaboration with Unicef, establishes Child-Friendly Spaces, shelters where young people can regain a sense of security and recover a small dose of normalcy in the midst of chaos.

Despite efforts, displaced women and girls continue to face constant dangers, with a high risk of sexual violence, especially in temporary shelters or during movements in search of safety.

A call for global solidarity

World Vision not only provides psychosocial support to victims, but also works to raise awareness of this silent crisis, calling on the international community to join efforts to protect and defend children’s rights in the midst of this humanitarian catastrophe.

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