Inici » The unexpected find of two million euros upsets life, according to Pep Garcia

The unexpected find of two million euros upsets life, according to Pep Garcia


A new author enters the literary world

Pep Garcia, cultural manager and writer, presents his first novel, entitled ‘€2,000,709.61’, published by Parcir. In this story, the protagonist finds an unexpected figure in his checking account that completely changes his life.

A fortuitous discovery that raises existential questions

The plot of the novel revolves around the finding of two million euros by the protagonist, who considers himself an ordinary person. This fact triggers a series of questions about how to manage this immense find and how it can alter his life.

The presentation of the novel

Pep Garcia will present his work in the El Sielu room, stressing that he will prefer not to reveal details about the book because he considers that its purpose is reading. Instead, it will address topics such as money management and the passions it arouses, giving readers a chance to reflect on this hypothetical situation.

The influence of the find in everyday life

Garcia explores how this unexpected find of wealth can affect the protagonist’s life, raising questions about fear, mistrust, lies and ambition. Through this narrative, he invites readers to consider how to handle extraordinary life-changing situations.

The context of the plot and the characters

While the novel is not set in a specific place, Manresa is prominently present in the scenarios described. The protagonist, his wife, a young son and a security guard are among the characters involved in this story, with which the author has maintained his particular narrative style.

Personal reflections of the author

Pep Garcia shares his opinion on how unexpected money can influence people, stating that it could provide a financial cushion or even be used for noble causes. However, he emphasizes that he does not foresee drastic changes in his personal lifestyle.

A surprising and unexpected ending

The author reveals that the story offers an outcome that was not foreseen, inviting readers to experience the same surprise that he experienced during its creation. This suggests that the narrative may contain unexpected twists and shocking moments for the reader.

Personal experiences that are transmitted through history

Garcia shares a personal anecdote about finding money in his childhood, connecting it to the main theme of his novel. This anecdote can offer readers an intimate perspective of the author and the process of creating his work.

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