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Today’s game will be a lesson for Lamine

un home amb una camisa blava assegut davant d'una paret amb una pilota de futbol al costat, Carlos Catasse, zabrocki, un pastel, plasticien

The Spanish coach highlights the importance of the match against Germany

Spain coach Luis de la Fuente said that today’s match will be a final that could be compared to a World Cup final. He stressed that the match will be very close and that the details will be decisive in tipping the balance in one direction or the other.

Satisfaction with the victory against Georgia

De la Fuente was satisfied with the victory against Georgia in the round of 16 of the Euro Cup. Although he acknowledged that the match was complicated, he highlighted the total control that Spain had and the confidence and tranquility that the team showed throughout the match. He also praised the performance of Rodri, who proved to be a key player in managing the game.

Learned lessons

De la Fuente stressed the importance of learning from each match and from the opponents. He acknowledged that football can be unpredictable and that the opponents can get ahead on the scoreboard. However, he stressed the importance of staying calm and composed, and of being prepared for any contingency. He considered that each match is more difficult and that the match against Germany will be a very close final.

Lessons for Lamine

De la Fuente mentioned that today’s game will be a lesson for Lamine, who is in the training process. He highlighted that Lamine played a good game, but believes that he can improve and that he must learn to handle the moments in which it is necessary to have more pause in the game. He trusts that today’s match will provide him with important lessons for future matches.

Statements from the Georgia coach

Willy Sagnol, Georgia coach, expressed his pride in his team’s performance in the European Championship. He highlighted the evolution of the team and the level they have shown throughout the tournament. Although he regretted the defeat against Spain, he considered that Rodri’s goal was offside. Sagnol praised the participation of his team and highlighted that the goal in the first attempt on goal gave them energy for the second half.

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