Inici » Tragedy in Toledo: Two Lives Lost in a Devastating Fire

Tragedy in Toledo: Two Lives Lost in a Devastating Fire


A Deadly Fire in Casarrubios del Monte

The town of Casarrubios del Monte, in Toledo, has been shaken by a heartbreaking tragedy after a fire that has claimed the lives of two people. The victims, still unidentified, were found dead in a burning house.

A Multitudinary Operation

The fire was alerted at 6:59 in the morning to 112 of the Community of Madrid, which referred the notice to 112 of Castilla-La Mancha. Quickly, members of the Civil Guard, firefighters from the Illescas park and an emergency doctor rushed to the scene.

Victims and Affected

In addition to the two fatalities, a neighbor was affected by smoke inhalation. The 45-year-old man was treated in an ICU and later transferred in a life support ambulance to a hospital.

Research in Progress

Authorities are investigating the causes of the fire. At the moment, further details about the victims and the circumstances surrounding the tragic event are unknown.

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