The confrontation between Font and Laporta intensifies
In a new episode of tensions within FC Barcelona, Víctor Font has expressed his disapproval of the recent actions of president Joan Laporta. In a chat with RAC1, Font did not mince words in describing Laporta’s press conference as ‘unacceptable’, pointing out that his attitude has been ‘disrespectful’ towards thousands of the club’s fans.
Demanding accountability and transparency
Font has reiterated his request for Laporta to resign, stating that the current situation of the club is unsustainable. ‘We cannot continue with a president who is not up to the challenges we face,’ Font said, stressing that his administration has worsened the financial problems inherited from Bartomeu’s previous term.
A worrying future for the club
The former presidential candidate has warned that the short-term outlook is bleak. ‘I am convinced that we will soon face difficult situations that will make us reflect on our management,’ said Font, who has harshly criticized Laporta’s decisions on signings and sponsorships.
Criticism of the lack of transparency
Font has questioned the commission received by Darren Dein in relation to the sponsorship agreement with Nike, as well as the criteria that guided the signing of Víctor Roque. ‘Laporta seems to believe that the club belongs to him. We need open management to avoid suspicions of corruption,’ he declared.
An alternative management model
In response to Laporta’s statements about his vision for the club, Font defended the need for a radical change in the way Barça is governed. ‘If the opposition had the opportunity to manage, the club would be professionalised and modernised, avoiding mistakes like those made by Barça Studios,’ he said.
The elections as a key moment
Víctor Font believes that the upcoming elections will be decisive. ‘We are faced with two completely different management models. One that is based on personal connections and another that seeks shared leadership and a real commitment to the fans.’
A hopeful vision
Font has expressed his desire to create an environment in which the club can aspire to recover figures like Messi, generating a sense of pride among the fans and management that respects the club’s resources.