Inici » Weather Changes: Snowfall and Improvements on the Horizon

Weather Changes: Snowfall and Improvements on the Horizon

Gran parte de la atención estos días se centra en las fuertes lluvias que están afectando este jueves a varias zonas del Mediterráneo. Sin embargo, Roberto Brasero ha destacado otro fenómeno meteorológico que también influirá en las zonas cercanas: las nevadas. Estas se concentrarán en las montañas del tercio oriental peninsular. Allí, las bajas temperaturas permitirán que la nieve haga acto de presencia, incluso en cotas relativamente bajas. Roberto Brasero señala qué zonas tienen avisos de nieve(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

A Double Spectacle: Plugs i Nevades

In the last few days, attention has been dominated by the strong rains that are affecting several areas of the Mediterranean. However, another weather phenomenon has resulted, and the snow will begin to make an act of presence in some regions, as Roberto Brasro has indicated.

Longed Zones for Snowes

The neovas will focus mainly on the eastern mountains of the peninsula. The low temperatures of this week will facilitate the snow accumulation, even relatively low altitude.

AEMET Avisos

The Weather State Agency (EMET) issued yellow warnings for several mountainal areas, including Catalonia, Arago, and the Valna Community, as planned, could be piled up to 5 centimeters of snow within a 24 hour period, in altitude between 900 to 1000 meters.

Esperic Areas at Risk

Some of the most affected areas include:

    [‘Prepirineu de Barcelona and Pirineu de Girona: The snows are mainly expected in Eastern areas, with cumulatives that could complication traffic on the mountain roads.’, ‘Sierra of Gúdar and Mastrazgo in Terol: The nevas could extend to adjacent areas of Bottom Arago, creating winter landscapes with possible complications.’, ‘Internals of Castille: in the mountains of the Valencian Community are also projected neovasion, although less intensity than in other areas.’]

Future Metological: Path improvements

Roberto Brasero pointed out that the snows are an effect of the DN that currently affects the Mediterranean, causing instability and low temperatures. However, the best situation is expected as the weekend is approaching.

A Best Week Cape

Saturday, DANA is expected to be unplaced, providing a more stable climate in the country, with clear skies and most pleasant temperatures. However, on Sunday a new episode of rain and snowed in the north of the peninsula, especially in the high places.

Conditions Persistents

Despite the improvement expected in the Mediterranean, the cold will continue to present the rest of the country, with temperatures that will remain similar to the current, except in the Canarys.

Security Tips

The authorities have issued recommendations for the precaution in the affected areas, especially on the mountain roads and other areas of difficult access, security must be prioritized for all travelers.

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