Inici » Work placement: A successful program for rural and urban women

Work placement: A successful program for rural and urban women

un grup de dones amb camises verdes juntes davant d'un edifici amb un cartell que diu verd, Aquirax Uno, foto professional, una foto d'estoc, escola de quito

The Rural and Urban Women of Ampans program

The first edition of the Rural and Urban Women of Ampans program has served 20 women from Bages with the aim of accompanying them in the process of insertion into the labor market. This initiative, developed by the foundation’s Orientation, Training and Employment Service, has succeeded in the employment of 8 women in various sectors, such as chemistry, metallurgy, education, socio-health, commerce and services.

A program adapted to the needs of the participating women

The women participating in the program were between 20 and 55 years old and most had children to care for. Some of them had no previous work experience, while others had decided to change career orientation to improve their quality of life. Ampans has adapted the program to meet the needs and interests of each participant, offering three different areas of work orientation: Digital Itinerary, Green Economy and Transversal Domain.

Visits to inspiring companies and projects

During the program, the women have had the opportunity to visit several companies in the territory to get to know the local business fabric and discover different sectors, such as metallurgy, chemistry and logistics. They also had the opportunity to learn about projects led by inspiring women, such as that of an entrepreneur who opened a natural and vegan cosmetics store. In addition, transversal and specific skills sessions, job guidance and digital skills workshops have been held to improve living conditions and facilitate access to the world of work.

Support from the VINCI Spain Foundation

The Rural and Urban Women program has had the support of the VINCI Spain Foundation. Thanks to this support, Ampans is already thinking about preparing a second edition of this successful program that has helped rural and urban women find or improve their employment.

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