Inici » Elsa Pataky’s exercise and personal care routine

Elsa Pataky’s exercise and personal care routine

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Elsa Pataky, renowned Spanish actress, has shared various aspects of her exercise and personal care routine at the presentation of the new era of the beauty brand Biotherm. In this article, we will discover the beauty and sports secrets that help her stay in shape and be one of the most envied women in Spain.

Taking care of your body

Elsa Pataky has revealed the beauty and sports tricks that are part of her daily routine. Although she recognizes that her genetics play a large role in her appearance, she also highlights the importance of care and sacrifice. The actress is currently on an international tour accompanying her husband, Chris Hemsworth, in the presentation of the film ‘Furiosa: A Mad Max’.

The perfect gluteus

During the Biotherm presentation, Elsa revealed that one of the parts of her body that she works the most and likes the most is the gluteus. To keep him in shape, she performs a series of exercises, such as squats, even in unconventional places like the airplane lavatory during her trips. She uses 15 to 20 kilo weights to strengthen this area. Additionally, she admires the bodies of 100, 200, and 400 meter runners, and she has always wanted to have a similar body since she was a child.

A healthy life

Elsa Pataky has always led a healthy lifestyle. She has never smoked and does not consume much alcohol. She takes care of herself when it comes to feeding herself, maintaining a balanced diet and taking vitamins and other supplements. Additionally, she highlights the importance of hydration and cleansing the skin, ensuring that she never goes to bed without cleansing her face.

Your exercise routine

Elsa Pataky exercises constantly, training almost every day, at least 3 days a week. Although she sometimes can’t exercise much, she always finds a way to stay active, whether it’s walking down stairs or going to the gym. Additionally, she and her husband, Chris Hemsworth, try to exercise together whenever they can.

Weights and hydration

The actress has practiced yoga in the past, but currently focuses on pilates and weight lifting. She advises women not to be afraid of weights, as muscle is essential to keeping everything in place. She also mentions that there are facial exercises that help keep the skin firm.

Exercise and emotional well-being

Elsa Pataky highlights the importance of exercise for your emotional well-being. When she feels down, she knows that she has gone several days without exercising. That’s why she encourages finding a sport you enjoy to stay motivated and encouraged.

Caring for your skin

During the presentation, Elsa shared some of her personal skincare preferences. She prefers moisturizer over wrinkle cream, treatment over makeup, and outdoor exercise over the gym. Additionally, she highlights the importance of sleeping at least eight hours to maintain radiant skin.

Her husband’s words of love

Elsa Pataky also mentioned the words of love and gratitude she has received from her husband, Chris Hemsworth. She considers these statements to be one of the most beautiful and romantic experiences of her life. For her, happiness and emotional well-being are fundamental, and her greatest achievement is having created a family and enjoying it.


In summary, Elsa Pataky has revealed to us her intense exercise and personal care routine. Through her discipline and dedication, she has managed to stay in shape and be one of the most envied women in Spain. Her focus on taking care of her body, her consistent exercise routine, and her commitment to healthy living are inspiring examples for all. Furthermore, she highlights the importance of happiness and emotional well-being in her life. Without a doubt, Elsa Pataky is a beauty and health reference for many people.

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