Ikea’s Secret to Keeping a Home Always Scented

The Importance of Aroma in the Home

The aroma of a home is crucial for well-being, both emotional and practical. It not only influences mood and positive memory, but is also an indicator of a clean and healthy environment.

Maintaining a good smell at home is essential, as it reflects frequent cleaning and good air quality, which is essential for physical health.

Tips for Achieving a Pleasant Aroma

Maintaining regular cleaning, proper ventilation and avoiding the generation of bad odors are common practices to achieve a good aroma in the home.

In addition, the use of natural fragrances such as essential oils, aromatic candles, plants, cooking fruits and spices, or preparing aromatic dishes, contribute to maintaining a naturally scented environment.

The Ikea Trick for a Scented Home

Ikea offers an ingenious trick to perfume the home in an economical and simple way. It consists of using felt adhesive protectors impregnated with the desired aroma, such as perfume, fresh cologne or essential oil.

These protectors, known as Fixa Protector, can be placed discreetly in cupboards, drawers, chairs or sofas, gently releasing the impregnated aroma.

With a cost of only 0.49 euros per pack of 20 units, this Ikea trick offers an economical solution to maintain a pleasant aroma throughout the home.

Benefits of a Scented Home

Keeping a home with a pleasant aroma not only improves the quality of life, but also contributes positively to health and well-being.

The impact of aroma on mood and personal well-being is significant, highlighting the importance of keeping a scented environment simple and accessible.

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