Inici » The Importance of Schedule Change: Impact, Reasons and Future

The Importance of Schedule Change: Impact, Reasons and Future


The Time Change: An Annual Debate Tradition

Every year, uncertainty arises about whether we should set our clocks forward or back on Saturday night. Why is this change being made and how long will it continue to be common practice?

A European Mandate for All

The time change is not exclusive to Spain, but rather obeys a European Union directive that indicates when it must be carried out. This regulation affects all member countries and establishes dates such as the last Sunday in March for summer time and the last Sunday in October for winter time.

The Impact of Change in Our Lives

The seasonal change of time generates conflicting opinions among the population. While many enjoy longer days, others question their usefulness today. This debate intensifies given the imminent disappearance of this change starting in 2021, at which time countries will have to decide whether to maintain summer or winter time permanently.

The Effects of Change on Health and the Economy

Some critics point out that the time change can have negative repercussions on health, especially in vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. Meanwhile, the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) argues that the time change entails significant economic savings, although the effectiveness of this measure is currently questioned.

The Future of the Schedule: Pending Decisions

With the end of the time change just around the corner, governments are evaluating which of the two schedules is most convenient for their countries. While the economic and cultural implications are discussed, the population awaits with expectation the final decision that will define what schedule we will remain on in the future.

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