The Innovative Sensilis Formula for Skin Rejuvenation

The Importance of Peptides in Rejuvenating Cosmetics

According to experts in cosmetic innovation, peptides have established themselves as the ideal solution to combat premature skin aging. Genoveva Lucena, a pharmacist specialized in dermopharmacy and skin care, highlights the relevance of this active ingredient in the fight against skin aging.

The Role of Peptides in Preventing Premature Aging

Premature skin aging, caused by chronic inflammation that destroys collagen and elastin, is a common problem. Peptides, by stimulating collagen and elastin synthesis, help counteract this process, reducing the formation of wrinkles and expression lines.

Benefits of Peptides on the Skin

Peptides offer significant benefits to the skin, improving its firmness, elasticity and sensitivity. These cosmetic ingredients are especially effective in promoting more relaxed skin, reducing the predisposition to expression wrinkles and increasing its flexibility.

Considerations for Choosing Cosmetics with Peptides for Sensitive Skin

When selecting cosmetic products with peptides for sensitive skin, it is crucial to verify that the formula contains soothing, anti-inflammatory principles and does not incorporate potentially irritating active ingredients. Likewise, it is essential that the product has been specifically tested on sensitive skin to guarantee its suitability.

Recommendations for the Inclusion of Peptides in the Daily Beauty Routine

Peptides can be easily integrated into your daily skincare routine, either by combining them with other products or using cosmetics that contain them independently. These active ingredients are ideal for day and night use, providing notable benefits for the skin.

Featured Sensilis Products with Peptides

Sensilis offers two innovative products in its rejuvenating line: the Sorbet Balm, which melts on contact with the skin, and the Sorbet Cream, which is quickly absorbed. Both products are enriched with natural fatty acids to maintain the skin’s barrier function and deeply hydrate it.

Experience and Track Record of Sensilis in the Care of Sensitive Skin

With more than 40 years of experience, Sensilis has stood out for offering specific solutions for the most sensitive aging skin, demonstrating a constant commitment to innovation and excellence in skin care.

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