Inici » The new gastronomic sensation: Croissant Flat, delicious and unique!

The new gastronomic sensation: Croissant Flat, delicious and unique!

un plat de croissants amb un bol de maduixes al fons i un bol de maduixes en primer pla, Delaunay, fotografia alimentària professional, un pastel, fotorealisme

A new trend in gastronomy

Gastronomy always surprises us with innovations that delight our palates. In recent months, a new trend has emerged that has conquered baking lovers: the ‘Croissant Flat’. These flat croissants have caused a sensation in major cities around the world, including Spain. Many bakeries have left traditional croissants behind to offer this exquisite variant.

A unique version of the classic croissant

‘Croissant Flat’ are a flattened version of the classic French croissant. Unlike the traditional croissant, which has a curved, fluffy shape, these croissants are flatter and resemble a sheet of laminated dough. Although they maintain the same flavor and texture that is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, their appearance is what makes them unique. This variant emerged in California, where bakers sought to offer a more practical and easy-to-eat version of the classic croissant. From South Korea, they also joined this trend thanks to international influencers who showed it on their social networks. Thus was born the passion for ‘Croissant Flat’.

The trend that conquers social networks

In the age of Instagram and other social media, how food looks can be as important as how it tastes. The ‘Croissant Flat’ have an attractive and different presentation, which makes them the protagonist of numerous photos and videos that flood our networks. These publications have generated thousands of likes and comments, helping to further popularize this gastronomic trend.

Where to enjoy the ‘Croissant Flat’ in Spain

Fortunately, you don’t have to travel to New York or South Korea to try this delicacy. In Spain, several bakeries and cafes have adopted this trend and offer ‘Croissant Flat’ on their menus. Some places where you can find them are:

Kayser House

This bakery offers ‘Croissant Flat’ dipped in chocolate with raspberry toppings, a delicious combination.

Holy Glory

Here you can enjoy ‘Croissant Flat’ in different flavors, such as Choco Pistachio with chocolate ganache and chopped pistachios, or White Chocolate and Lotus, which combines the creaminess of white chocolate with the characteristic flavor of the famous cookies.

The Brioxeria

This cafeteria offers ‘Croissant Flat’ even grilled, a unique and delicious option.

A trend that conquers hearts and palates

The ‘Croissant Flat’ are a perfect example of how the traditional can be reinvented and continue to conquer our hearts and palates. The question is whether they will manage to carve out a permanent place for themselves in pastry shops or if they are just a passing phenomenon amplified by social networks. Bon appétit!

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