Inici » Tips to keep your hair healthy during the summer and avoid cuts after the holidays

Tips to keep your hair healthy during the summer and avoid cuts after the holidays

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Care under the sun

Summer can be hard on your hair due to sun exposure, heat, chlorine, and salt water. To keep it healthy, it is important to hydrate it regularly. Instead of applying moisturizing masks weekly, it is recommended to use them as a conditioner every time you wash your hair. Additionally, it’s crucial to look for products with hydrating ingredients like aloe vera, coconut oil, or avocado.

Hair sun protection

Just like skin, hair also needs sun protection, especially if it’s dyed. Sun exposure can oxidize hair pigment, leaving it dull and dull. It is recommended to use hair sun protection in spray format to apply anytime, anywhere.

Avoid using dryers and irons

During the summer, it is advisable to put aside the use of dryers and irons, and opt for air drying. Additionally, braids can be a great option for achieving natural waves without damaging your hair.

Frequent washing

Frequent hair washing may be necessary during the summer due to sweat and residue buildup. It is recommended to use mild shampoos to maintain the natural balance of the scalp.

Rinse with fresh water

After being at the beach or pool, it is important to rinse your hair with fresh water to remove any chlorine or salt residue, which can cause damage if not removed properly.

Additional care

It is essential to use leave-in conditioners, brush the hair gently to avoid breakage, tie it up or protect it with hats to avoid direct sun exposure, and perform micro-cuts to keep the ends healthy.

Importance of nutrition

A diet rich in biotin, vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids helps maintain hair health from the inside. Foods such as fish, nuts, avocado and green leafy vegetables are beneficial for hair fiber.


Keeping your hair healthy during the summer does not require great efforts, but rather a healthy lifestyle. By following these habits, you can avoid the need for a radical cut at the end of the vacation, and you can enjoy radiant, healthy hair.

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