Border Challenges: The Migration Narratives of Morocco in 2023

Descent of 62% in Irregular Entry Attempts in Ceuta and Melilla

The Ministry of the Interior of Morocco reports that in 2023 there were six attempts to jump the border fences with Ceuta and Melilla, involving approximately 1,400 migrants. This figure reflects a significant decrease of 62% compared to the previous year.

6% increase in Global Irregular Migration Attempts

According to the annual balance sheet, the Moroccan Government managed to stop 75,184 attempts at irregular migration, an increase of 6% compared to the data for 2022. At the same time, it dismantled 419 groups dedicated to the illegal traffic of people, an increase of 44%

Morocco’s commitment to Regional Security

The Government of Morocco highlights these figures as an example of its ‘solidarity’ commitment to partners and its contribution to regional security and the fight against cross-border traffic networks. Rabat alludes to an unstable regional environment full of multiple threats.

National Immigration and Asylum Strategy

Rabat underlines that King Mohammad VI has put ‘respect for the rights of migrants’ as a fundamental axis of the National Immigration and Asylum Strategy. This strategy is based on a logic of solidarity and inclusion, according to which massive regularizations have been carried out and the voluntary return of migrants has been facilitated.

Commitment to Voluntary Return and Massive Regularizations

The Moroccan Ministry of the Interior highlights the commitment to voluntary return, reporting that in 2023 the return of 5,844 migrants to their countries of origin was facilitated. This figure represents a 62% increase compared to 2022. The Government also recalls the massive regularizations of 2014 and 2016, benefiting more than 50,000 people.

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