Inici » Cunit demands an immediate solution for the dismantling of the Cubelles power station

Cunit demands an immediate solution for the dismantling of the Cubelles power station

un largo muro de hormigón junto al océano con un poste de luz en la distancia y un poste de luz en la distancia, Évariste Vital Luminais, art nouveau, una foto, románico

The town council of Cunit demands urgent actions for the dismantling of the old Foix a Cubelles thermal power station.

The demand for a response from the Generalitat and the Spanish State is clear.

After more than two and a half years, progress has been minimal in relation to the future of the dock built by Endesa.

The Cuban government criticizes the delay in publishing the resolution on the partial demolition.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Ecological Transition has not made any decision on the future of the dock.

Concern for the beaches of Cunit and its sea currents.

Mayor Dolors Carreras emphasizes the importance of resolving this situation, since the beaches are a fundamental tourist attraction for the municipality.

Demand for immediate action and repair of the breakwaters.

Carreras insists on the need to partially remove the Cubelles dock and demands from Endesa the repair of its breakwaters.

Lack of unity between the affected municipalities.

The mayor regrets the lack of consensus between Cubelles, Cunit and Calafell on the future of the dock, although she considers that Cunit’s situation is the most critical.

Collaboration with other institutions to find temporary solutions.

An agreement is being sought with the General Directorate of Coasts and the Calafell City Council to carry out a one-off transfer of sand this summer.

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