Inici » A matter of coexistence

A matter of coexistence

dues dones assegudes a una taula amb un gos a la platja davant i un gos al seu costat, Eva Gonzalès, imatge promocional, foto d'estoc, premsa privada


Finally, summer has arrived and with it the escapades to the beach. On this occasion, we want to talk about an issue that often generates controversy: the coexistence between people and dogs on the beaches. It is a topic that can generate different opinions and that requires reflection on how to share these spaces in a respectful and harmonious way.

The reunion on the beach

Let’s imagine a couple who decide to spend the day at the beach. With joy, they greet the owner of the pub where they plan to have dinner later. This is a lovely place, but the prices are a bit high. However, they are excited to be reunited after a year of work and stress. They sit at a table near the sand, right next to two ladies enjoying a leisurely wine while their dogs play nearby.

The discomfort with dogs

Unfortunately, the gentleman in the couple is not a big dog lover. Although the dogs are cute and small, the gentleman is not comfortable with their presence. Also, one of the dogs licks his ankle and the other barks. Although the owners try to control them, the gentleman is no longer so happy and expresses his discomfort. This situation highlights a larger issue: the coexistence between people and dogs on beaches.

Overtaking the dogs

The gentleman is frustrated and annoyed with the dogs because a few months ago he read a news story about dogs overtaking children in Catalonia. According to statistics, there are more dogs than children in the country, and this has caused some concern among some people. Now, the gentleman is in a situation where he prefers to avoid the presence of dogs near him.

Coexistence between people and dogs

Coexistence between people and dogs on beaches is a complex issue. There are people who adore dogs and consider them part of their family, while others prefer to keep a certain distance. It is important to find a balance and respect everyone’s preferences. Some beaches have already established rules to regulate the presence of dogs, such as areas designated exclusively for them or specific times when their presence is allowed. These measures try to ensure that everyone can enjoy the beach without feeling uncomfortable.


In short, coexistence between people and dogs on beaches is a matter that requires dialogue and mutual respect. It is important to remember that we all have the right to enjoy public space, but we must also be aware of the preferences and needs of others. With an open and respectful attitude, we can find solutions that allow everyone to enjoy the beach without creating conflicts.

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