A special meeting with Rosa

A friendship that started at school

I had the pleasure of meeting Rosa many years ago, through my family. Then, I followed her closely when I was at Escola de l’Esplai. But it was when I was Youth Delegate in the diocese of Barcelona that our relationship became closer.

An inspiring person

Rosa was a person with exceptional listening skills. Her talks were always interesting and I was captivated to listen to her. Both his words and his actions made me feel something special.

A friendship that grew

After the World Youth Day in Paris in 1997, I had the opportunity to get to know her better. Rosa became a close person, with whom I could spend long hours chatting. His presence was always comforting.

An unforgettable memory

I still remember the day she attended to me, despite being tired. Rosa was always willing to listen and help. He never took no for an answer.

An influence in my life

Rosa had a significant impact on my life. After meeting her, I started a relationship with Ramon, with whom we later married and had three children. We have always had the Rose present in our walk.

The qualities of the Rose

I would like to highlight two qualities of Rosa that impressed me: her ability to listen and her great welcome. She was always willing to listen and welcome everyone around her.

A spiritual guide

Since Rosa left us, I feel orphaned by her spiritual guidance. It’s hard to find someone like her. However, its presence remains and we feel it closer than ever. We entrust ourselves to her in times of difficulty.

A memory forever

Rosa will always be an important part of our lives. His legacy will live on and his memory will always be with us. We named our first daughter Rosa as a memory and tribute to her.

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