Building a Future of Peace and Truce for Catalonia

The Moment of Demonstration

If – as the unwritten legend of the Catalans says – we have the capacity to agree in our DNA, now is the time to demonstrate it. After turbulent years, it is clear that we cannot move forward without a clear vision of the future. But to achieve this, it is essential to establish peace in our political life at all levels.

Legal Amnesty and Reconciliation

First, we must allow the legal amnesty to have the desired effect, since, despite its limitations, it represents an important step towards reconciliation with the Spanish state. It is crucial to close the wounds and establish a constructive relationship with the Spanish state, which exerts a significant influence on the lives of Catalans. This is fundamental to our well-being and to the development of the policies that define our nation.

Building Alliances and Dialogue

Another form of amnesty is the need to build bridges between political parties. Despite the differences, it is essential to seek alliances and dialogue between the parties to ensure stability and progress. Recent events that show a rapprochement between the parties are good news and open the door to new opportunities without questioning the system.

Avoiding Internal Division

Finally, an internal division that could weaken the parties must be avoided. It is crucial that the parties remain united and that constructive dialogue is encouraged to overcome differences. This period of reflection is essential to deal with emotions and disappointments and prepare for a more stable future.

Building a Future of Trust and Gratuity

It is essential to build a future from gratitude and trust, leaving aside resentment and fear. We must recognize the contribution of the old leaderships and welcome the new ones with generosity and openness. This path of peace and truce is essential to build a future that benefits us all.

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