Girona hotels break a record number of tourists staying in 2023

The hotel sector surpasses the figures of 2019 and recovers from the crisis of the pandemic

The hotel establishments in the Girona regions have closed in 2023 with some historical data. The sector welcomed 4,256,207 tourists last year, 7.9% more than in 2022 and 5.7% more than in 2019, when 4,023,739 tourists were registered in hotels in the province, according to the data from the Hotel Tourism Situation of the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

These figures mean that hotels have accommodated more tourists than ever before. In the 24 years of the INE’s historical series, which began in 1999, no year has exceeded the number of tourists who chose Girona’s hotels in 2023. In this period, the number of visitors has increased by 64.8% (in 1999, hotels in the demarcation welcomed 2,582,336 tourists).

Overnight stays also increased compared to 2019

In terms of overnight stays, the sector has added 12,422,362 during 2023, a figure that grows slightly compared to 2019, by 0.14%. If we compare it with the data for 2022, overnight stays increase by 10.4%.

In Spain, overnight stays in hotel establishments have grown by 8.4% in 2023 to reach 347.1 million, which represents the highest in the historical series and 1.2% above 2019, according to published data by the National Institute of Statistics.

The INE indicates that in 2023 the annual rate of the hotel price index (IPH) has risen by an average of 8.5% in 2023, so that it chains three years on the rise, although the increase in the last year is half that of 2022, and the hotels’ average daily turnover for each occupied room (ADR) was 112.9 euros. The average daily revenue per available room (RevPAR) has reached 77.1 euros on average. In 2023, overnight stays by residents have grown by 1.3% and those by non-residents by 12.6%.

Catalonia, among the destinations preferred by travelers

Andalusia, Catalonia and the Valencian Community have been the main destinations for travelers residing in Spain in 2023, with negative rates of variation in the number of overnight stays of 1.2%, 0.2% and 0.6%, respectively. The main destination chosen by non-residents has been the Canary Islands, with 26.9% of the total overnight stays, of which foreigners have risen by 9.8%; the next destinations were the Balearic Islands (23.9% of the total) and Catalonia (18.4%).

In 2023, on average, 60.3% of the places offered have been filled, with an increase of 5.3% compared to 2022, and the degree of occupancy per weekend place has reached 65.9 %, an increase of 3.8%.

Travelers from the United Kingdom and Germany have made 97.9 million overnight stays, 43.4% of the total non-residents; the former have increased by 10.8% and the latter by 9.3%.

A positive December

The hotels in the Girona regions have closed the year also achieving good figures and with 311,930 tourists they have exceeded both the data of 2022, with an increase of 4.6%, and those of 2019, with an increase of 11.9 %.

For their part, Catalan hotels closed 2023 receiving 1,159,905 tourists. This is 6.98% more than the month of December 2022 (1,085,088) and 2.4% more than the same period in 2019 (1,132,586).

In Spain, in the last month of the year, overnight stays increased by 7.8% compared to the same month in 2022.

According to the country of origin of the travelers, those from the United Kingdom and Germany have concentrated 23.4% and 15.5%, while those from the French, Italians and Americans (the following sending markets) have represented the 6.7%, 5.1% and 4.4% of the total, respectively.

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