Inici » How to deal with judgments about physical appearance in the media

How to deal with judgments about physical appearance in the media

Una mujer con una chaqueta naranja sostiene un objeto verde en sus manos y un cartel verde detrás de ella, Ada Gladys Killins, verde, pastel, plasticien

The importance of image in the media

Cristina Villanueva, renowned news presenter, has shared her experience about judgments based on physical appearance in the media. In a recent interview, Villanueva revealed that she has been judged by her physique on several occasions, receiving negative comments about her weight and appearance. These types of judgments are a reality for many people working in the media industry, especially women.

The impact of negative comments

Villanueva mentioned that negative comments about his physical appearance come from both the audience and social networks. These comments can have a negative impact on people’s self-esteem and confidence, especially when it comes to their public image. It is important to remember that words have power and can deeply affect those who receive them.

Breaking stereotypes and empowerment

Despite the trials and criticism, Villanueva has remained firm in her stance of not being influenced by the beauty standards imposed by society. She emphasizes that her work focuses on communicating news and not on her physical appearance. Furthermore, she highlights the importance of breaking stereotypes and empowering women to feel safe and confident in their own skin.

The role of social networks

Villanueva also mentioned that social networks can be a space where judgments based on physical appearance are perpetuated. People often feel free to express negative and malicious comments behind a screen. It is important to reflect on the impact of our words and how they can affect others.


In short, judgments based on physical appearance in the media are a reality that many people face. It is essential to promote an environment of respect and acceptance, where people’s talent and ability are valued above their physical appearance. We must all be aware of the power of our words and work together to build a more inclusive and empathetic society.

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