Reflection and Planning at the End of the School Year


We are coming to the end of the school year, a time of reflection, closure and planning. It’s time to analyze and reflect on the work done during the course. Teachers not only teach lessons and subjects, but also educate in values ​​and create educational and learning opportunities for students. That is why it is important to reflect on the year that is ending.

Evaluation at the end of the course

End-of-year assessment is crucial to gain a comprehensive view of student progress and the level of success achieved. It helps us make decisions in two fundamental areas:

Measuring Progress

The assessment allows us to assess compliance with the educational objectives and standards defined at the beginning of the school year.

Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses

Assessment helps us identify areas that need improvement in order to provide appropriate reinforcement and support.

Appreciation and Gratitude

It’s time to reflect on successes, experiences and lessons learned. We thank the students, teachers and administrative and service staff for their contribution to the training. We value and respect differences to continue growing as an educational community.

Future Planning

To plan for the future, you need to look ahead. What learnings do we want to continue developing? How can we grow as individuals and as a community? Continuous evaluation guides us on this path. We don’t need final tests if we design effective assessments.


Let’s celebrate the accomplishments, learnings, and community we’ve built together this year-end. Thank you for being a part of this educational journey that will continue next year.

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