Inici » Results of the European Elections: Analysis from Genoa

Results of the European Elections: Analysis from Genoa

un home amb vestit i corbata davant d'una bandera i un micròfon davant seu, Andrea Orcagna, David Lazar, retrat d'un personatge, arbeitsrat für kunst

A Close Victory for Feijóo

The Popular Party has achieved a narrow victory in the European elections, beating the PSOE by two seats. Despite focusing his campaign on issues such as amnesty and corruption, the result did not reflect the plebiscite that was proposed against Pedro Sánchez.

The management of expectations by Alberto Núñez Feijóo and his team has been questioned, since despite increasing from 13 to 22 seats, they did not achieve the expected difference over the PSOE. Although the PP has added 8 Ciudadanos seats, the victory was not as resounding as expected.

Perspectives in Genoa

At the PP headquarters, a certain optimism is perceived despite unmet expectations. The party’s tradition of winning European elections before the general elections is highlighted, which generates confidence in the future.

Despite the victory, Feijóo acknowledges that the result did not reach the initial projections, but highlights the difference in votes in favor of the PP over the PSOE, which provides some relief.

Heading to the Next General Elections

Feijóo looks ahead to the next general elections, expressing his confidence in governing after the elections. This long-term vision reflects the PP leader’s determination to compete against Pedro Sánchez again and obtain victory.

The number two of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, emphasizes the importance of this result as an impetus for change in Spain, highlighting the position of the coalition government parties in the votes.

Internal Strengthening and Future Perspectives

After an intense electoral cycle, some regional leaders and senior party officials express the need to make internal changes to strengthen the party. Although they recognize the victory, they also show concern about the strategy and management of expectations of the PP leadership.

The result of the European elections reflects the emergence of new political forces, such as the Vox party, which has obtained representation in the European Parliament. This centre-right alliance is positioned as an alternative to the PSOE’s pacts with the independentists, reflecting an evolving political landscape.

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