The countdown to the election

The current situation

Instead of an investiture session, we have a countdown that may lead to a new call for elections. To date, there is no candidate who can present a candidacy to preside over the Generalitat with guarantees of winning. Salvador Illa was the winner of the elections, as was Feijóo in the general elections or Trias in the municipal elections in Barcelona, ​​but, as happened to them, he needs the support of other groups which it is not clear that he can obtain. Carles Puigdemont is in a similar situation, but he probably has it more complicated than Salvador Illa, because to be president he not only has to obtain the votes of the ERC, but he will need, at the very least, the abstention of the PSC.

The key is in ERC

Surely, the party that has it more complicated is ERC, because it has the key. He can give the presidency to Salvador Illa, once again opting for a left-wing tripartite, like those presided over by Pasqual Maragall and José Montilla, or he can opt for a pro-independence government, led by Junts and Carles Puigdemont. But they know that neither option is good for their interests, because either deal could cost them votes in future elections.

The difficulty of forming a government

It seems difficult to find a sufficient majority to form a government with guarantees that has majority parliamentary support. For this reason, the President of the Parliament has chosen to start the clock which, by now, is running inexorably towards the calling of new elections. But the question we can ask ourselves is: and then what? Will something change or will there be a Parliament as fragmented as it is now? The answer is that it is most likely that the results of the possible autumn elections will not vary much from those that took place last May 12. And then what? Are we going to turn back the clock and keep the country with a government in office permanently?

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