The elections in Catalonia and their impact on Spanish politics

The role of Oriol Junqueras in the elections

According to Iván Redondo in his recent article, the result of the elections in Catalonia and the victory of Salvador Illa are largely due to the political strategy of Oriol Junqueras. ERC’s commitment to collaboration with the State has been key to focusing the PSC and keeping Pedro Sánchez at the head of the Spanish government. This surrender by Junqueras has allowed the Catalan socialists to move away from the discourse of VOX and the PP, getting closer to Ada Colau and gaining support in the electoral process.

The independence movement and the situation in Catalonia

Although the PSC has achieved a narrow victory, the reality is that the independence movement continues to play a relevant role in Catalonia. The PSC has won with a high abstention and with political leaders such as Junqueras and Puigdemont disqualified or in complicated situations. This shows that the independence movement continues to be an important political force in the region. Furthermore, the idea that Catalonia is an occupied and colonized country, with no future under Spanish rule, has been consolidated in the minds of many Catalans.

The challenge of integration and the relationship between Catalonia and Spain

The integration of Catalonia into Spain is a challenge that will take time. Although the Spanish government relies on expatriates and third world immigrants to promote Spanishness in Catalonia, this process will take generations. Meanwhile, it is important to recognize that the independence process did not exclude half of Catalans, as is often claimed. It was an attempt to peacefully discuss, through a referendum, the tensions and threats that have marked the historical relationship between Catalonia and Spain.

The political future of Catalonia

As time progresses, it is likely that the political space of Junqueras and Puigdemont will converge into a single center-left party, thus strengthening non-institutional independence. As history and continuities with the past gain more weight, it will become evident that the strength of the PSC also has its roots in Francoism and the conflicts of the 19th century. History and political reality will continue to play an important role in the future of Catalonia.


The elections in Catalonia have had a significant impact on Spanish politics. The political strategy of Oriol Junqueras has been decisive in the victory of the PSC and in the maintenance of Pedro Sánchez as leader of the government. However, the independence movement remains a relevant political force in Catalonia, and the relationship between Catalonia and Spain remains a challenge. The political future of Catalonia will depend on how the pro-independence forces evolve and how the historical tensions between both parties are addressed.

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