Inici » The end of the tolerable years

The end of the tolerable years

un gran grup de persones amb rètols i dempeus en una multitud amb arbres al fons i un home amb un barret vermell, Béla Nagy Abodi, foto real, una foto, secessió de Berlín

A parenthesis that ends

I have the unpleasant feeling that I am experiencing the closing of a period of time that until now had been considered tolerable. This hiatus began after World War II, when Europe was rocked by the monstrous effects of intolerance and fanaticism. After the defeat of Nazism and the revelation of its brutalities, a general consensus was established of ‘never again’, which involved the renunciation of the policies that had caused so much barbarism. This led to a period of moderation and dialogue, based on the values ​​of freedom and democracy. However, it seems that this era is coming to an end.

The fading memory

As time passes, the lessons learned during this period of tolerance are being diluted. The younger generations have not learned the same lessons as their forefathers, and this is leading us to a dangerous regression. The anniversary of the Normandy landings, now eight decades ago, reminds us that the memory of the atrocities of war is fading. What remains is a profound inertia that is transmitted and perpetuated, including attitudes such as supremacism, disdain for differences, and the simplification of everything that is different from us. This attitude is often manifested in the way we see immigrants, as a depersonalized mass. Ignorance, when confused with reality, leads us down a wrong path, where all immigrants are considered dangerous and undesirable. This lack of memory and tendency to label and condemn takes us to a very dangerous place.

The danger of repeating the mistakes of the past

The parenthesis of tolerance that had been open after the Second World War seems to be closing. The effects of the vaccine against intolerance and bigotry are wearing off, and now we see relapse symptoms multiplying everywhere. This situation should scare us, as it reminds us that the mistakes of the past can be repeated if we do not learn from history. We must be aware of the disasters that have happened in the past and work to avoid them in the future. Only then can we ensure that the tolerable years do not become a thing of the past.


In short, we are living through the end of an era that until now had been considered tolerable. The years of moderation and dialogue are coming to an end, and we are at a critical moment where we need to remember the lessons learned during this period. We cannot allow the memory of past atrocities to fade and the mistakes to be repeated. We must work to maintain the values ​​of freedom, democracy and tolerance that have been the basis of this era. Only then can we ensure that the tolerable years do not become a memory of the past.

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