The Importance of Olive Oil: A Critical Analysis

An Emblematic Vegetable Fat

Last week, the Spanish government approved leaving the VAT on olive oil at 0%, a proposal that had the explicit or tacit support of all the other groups in the Congress of Deputies. This decision, promoted by Junts, received unanimity, since olive oil is revered by both independenceists and Spanishists, the Catalan and Spanish right and left.

More than a Food: A Sign of Identity

Olive oil has transcended its function as food to become a symbol of identity, representing the concept of Mediterraneanness. This veneration of olives has influenced the perception of Spain and the Catalan Countries.

A Critical Perspective

Despite this veneration, it is important to consider a critical perspective. Olive oil has not played a historically determining role in our way of understanding the world, nor has it been a defining factor of national identity. In old Catalonia, like Berguedà, olive oil has not had a significant presence, olive trees being more of an aesthetic attraction in public or private gardens.

History and Use

In the past, olive oil was considered more of a condiment than a general purpose fat. Its popularity as a general-purpose fat increased in the last decades of the 20th century, coinciding with the rise of the Mediterranean diet.

Economic and Social Perspective

The decision to reduce VAT on olive oil raises questions about proportionality in fiscal policy. While it can be argued that this measure benefits low incomes, it also raises the question of whether other foods should receive similar attention. For example, reducing the price of products such as chocolate could have a more direct impact on low incomes and the cost of living.


In short, olive oil is more than just a food; it is a cultural and identity symbol. However, it is important to analyze this veneration from a critical perspective, considering its history, its use, and the economic and social implications of policies related to this product.

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