The influence of Oriol Junqueras and the victory of Salvador Illa in the elections

The influence of Oriol Junqueras

According to the reflections of Iván Redondo in his last article, the victory of Salvador Illa in the elections of the Vichy regime was significantly influenced by the persistence and determination of Oriol Junqueras. ERC’s decision to collaborate with the State has had a significant impact on the political landscape, focusing attention on the PSC and keeping Pedro Sánchez at the head of Spain’s government. This strategy has been key to distancing the Catalan socialists from the discourse of VOX and the PP, distancing them from the influence of Ada Colau.

The victory of Salvador Illa

The victory of the PSC, despite its narrow abstention, was possible thanks to the surrender of Junqueras, although this meant the collapse of ERC. This result has also consolidated the perception, until recently overcome, that Catalonia is an occupied and colonized territory, without a future under the protection of Spain. However, the victory of the PSC does not seem to restore the desired democratic normality.

The political future of Catalonia

The current situation poses a scenario where the political space of Oriol Junqueras and Carles Puigdemont could converge into a single centre-left party, while non-institutional independence could regain strength and cultural influence. This could mean a significant change in the Catalan political landscape.

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