Inici Ā» The power of radio: a message that transcends time

The power of radio: a message that transcends time

un home calb amb una camisa blava i una jaqueta verda sobre fons blanc amb una corbata blava i una camisa negra, Ahmed Yacoubi, imatge promocional, una foto acolorida, precisiĆ³

The past and nostalgia

When I was a child, I had a widowed neighbor who reminded me of Yul Brynner, a famous film actor. His face reflected a mixture of nostalgia and skepticism, as if he carried with him a past full of experiences. I admired that expression, since, living without a clear present, what I really longed for was a (preferably perfect) past. In one movie I saw, the character played by Brynner was on the deck of a ship and a subordinate asked him where they were going. Brynner’s response was, “Wherever the wind takes us.” At that moment, I reflected that when you stop worrying about the direction of your life, it’s because nothing matters to you. That was the feeling of detachment that I, at ten years old, aspired to achieve, without knowing anything about Zen, a state of mind that implies surrendering without resistance to the forces of existence.

The power of radio

My neighbor, the widower, spent his days listening to the radio. He did it alone, like many other widowers. When my mother remembered him, she used to say: “Poor Aurelio…”. And then she would ask me to knock on her door and invite Aurelio to join us. He looked at me with that downcast and melancholic expression, similar to Yul Brynner’s, and he thanked me, but he preferred to be alone. I too would have liked to be alone with the radio. It seemed to me that Aurelio had an enviable life. Therefore, she fantasized about the idea of ā€‹ā€‹becoming a widow, even though it was an unrealistic aspiration for a single child.

The radio was like a message from the universe, something that connected people to the outside world. My mother also listened to the radio as if she was waiting for a message. And so did everyone else. Even today, despite technological advances, the radio remains a powerful means of communication. I listen to it too, waiting for a message, an order, something to turn my life around, because things cannot go on like this.

The desire to be alone

Aurelio, my neighbor, listened to the radio and smoked. I started smoking to imitate him, at first with unlit cigarettes and then with lit cigarettes that I hid under the bed. I imagined Aurelio leaning over the radio, as if he were waiting for an important message. That’s how my mother also listened to the radio: as if she was waiting for a message. And that’s how she listens to everyone. Perhaps, even after a hundred years since its founding in Spain, people still listen to the radio that way. I listen to it now too, waiting for a message, an order, something that will change my life, because things can’t continue like this.

The power of radio in society

Radio has been and continues to be a means of communication that transcends barriers. Through the airwaves, messages, news, music and programs are transmitted that reach millions of people around the world. Radio has witnessed historic moments, brought communities together, and been a source of entertainment and information. Its power lies in its ability to reach remote places and people from different cultures and social classes. Radio has been and continues to be a faithful companion in homes, cars and workplaces.

The future of radio

Despite technological advances and the emergence of new forms of communication, radio remains relevant in today’s society. With the arrival of Internet radio and podcasts, radio has evolved and adapted to new trends. Radio remains a reliable source of information, entertainment and company. As the world moves into the digital age, radio continues to reinvent itself and find its place in people’s lives.


Radio is much more than a means of communication. It is a message that transcends time and connects people of different generations. Through radio, stories, emotions and experiences are transmitted that unite us as a society. Although the world changes and evolves, the radio will continue to be a symbol of connection and companionship. So, the next time you listen to the radio, remember the power it has and how it has left a mark on our lives throughout history.

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