Unique Experience in Alcoy: Juan Miguel López, Right Arm of King Baltasar in the Cavalcade

The Athletics Club Alcoi Honorably Accompanies King Baltasar

In the next Alcoi Cavalcade, King Baltasar will be accompanied by the Alcoi Athletics Club, and the one who will be closest to the monarch will be Juan Miguel López, who assumes the role of main assistant. This decision is based on López’s successful candidacy, highlighting his enthusiasm that he has maintained over time.

Living the Cavalcade From the Inside

Juan Miguel López, with the experience of directing the Navarros line two years ago, reflects on the honor, responsibility and excitement involved in accompanying King Baltasar. He highlights the active participation of the people of Alcoi, with streets full of emotion and tradition rooted in the community.

Magi: Bringers of Joy and Illusion

On January 6th, the Magi, including King Baltasar, have the mission of bringing joy and excitement to the different centers of the city. Juan Miguel López anticipates exciting moments during this day, bringing the magic of the Kings closer to children and adults alike.

Athletics Club Alcoi: Position and Follow-up

The task of carrying King Baltasar has fallen on the Alcoi Athletics Club, which decides to include members of the organization in the entourage. Among them is the wife of Juan Miguel López, friends and other members of the Club. The decision to share this experience with friends and family strengthens the community ties cultivated in this centuries-old tradition.

In conclusion, the Cavalcade of Alcoy is presented as a unique experience, where Juan Miguel López, as King Baltasar’s right-hand man, hopes to contribute to the magic and tradition that turn this celebration into an unforgettable event for the entire Alcoy community .

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