Inici » Aid for the sustainability and modernization of the agricultural sector in Catalonia

Aid for the sustainability and modernization of the agricultural sector in Catalonia

una granja amb un graner i un camp de conreus en primer pla i muntanyes al fons, a vista d'ocell, Enguerrand Quarton, vista aèria, una foto de desplaçament d'inclinació, superplana

Improvement of sustainability and competitiveness

The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat will allocate an amount of 23 MEUR to help the Catalan agricultural sector. This investment aims to improve the sustainability, competitiveness and resilience of the agri-food sector from an economic, environmental and social point of view.

The aid will be allocated to investments in new machinery and equipment that improve livestock management, reduce the use of phytosanitary chemicals and chemical fertilizers, control the traceability and quality of crops, and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and fuel consumption.

The beneficiaries of these grants are SMEs that own agricultural and livestock holdings, groups and associations of recognized producers, and SME companies that offer agricultural services.

Waste management and energy efficiency

In addition, the Department has approved aid for the management of livestock droppings and the improvement of energy efficiency in Catalan farms. 8,697,013 euros have been earmarked for investments in livestock excrement management systems and 1,979,910.90 euros for investments in energy efficiency of buildings and facilities.

The purpose of these grants is to promote the reduction of polluting and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to improve the management and utilization of livestock droppings and agricultural biomass.


The grants from the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat aim to promote the sustainability and modernization of the agricultural sector in Catalonia. With an investment of 23 MEUR, investments are promoted in machinery and equipment for precision agriculture and 4.0 technologies, livestock manure management systems, energy efficiency of buildings and facilities, and energy recovery of livestock manure and biomass agricultural These measures contribute to improving the competitiveness and resilience of the Catalan agri-food sector, while promoting environmental and economic sustainability.

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