Althaia introduces the most advanced simulation technology

An innovative training program

The Althaia Foundation in Manresa has launched a revolutionary training program in surgical skills for interim resident doctors (MIR). This program incorporates the most advanced simulation technology, providing a unique learning experience for future surgical specialists.

Pioneering collaboration

This innovative project is the result of the collaboration between the Althaia Foundation and the 4D Health simulation center in Igualada. This pioneering collaboration in Spain allows residents of different specialties to acquire technical skills in accordance with their training plan before entering the operating room and participating in real cases.

State-of-the-art simulators

The training program incorporates the use of two state-of-the-art simulators, the Winco Pro and the VirtaMed LaparoS and ArthroS. These simulators offer exceptional fidelity in surgical practice, allowing residents to develop technical skills quickly and safely. This contributes to a more efficient learning curve and better preparation for clinical practice.

Personalized training

The training program is adapted to each year of residence of the MIRs, providing personalized and progressive training. It begins with a theoretical session to familiarize residents with how the simulators work. Next, each resident must complete a minimum of 15 hours of practice with the simulators each year of residence.

Interactive learning

During practice with the simulators, residents perform different techniques in the field of laparoscopic surgery and arthroscopy, simulating different pathologies and complications. The simulators record the residents’ activity, allowing comparisons, monitoring of progress and stimulation of learning. In addition, residents can count on online advice from 4D Health technicians and the support of their tutors.

Benefits of simulation in surgery

The use of simulators in surgical training offers numerous benefits. It allows residents to practice and develop surgical skills in a safe environment before working with real patients. This optimizes surgical resources and accelerates the resident learning process. In addition, simulation allows to identify errors and provide objective feedback to improve results in clinical practice.


The introduction of advanced simulation technology to the surgical training of MIRs is a major advance in medical education. This innovative training program provides residents with a unique learning experience and prepares them for quality clinical practice. Using state-of-the-art simulators and personalized training, residents gain essential technical skills for their future careers as surgical specialists.

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