Funeral services for Friday, January 26, 2024


CARMEN PERAIRE SUNYER has died at the age of 90. His funeral will be held today at 11.30 am in the church Sant Joan d’Avinyó.


LLUÍS SORRIBE GARRIGA has become beautiful at the age of 94. His ceremony will take place this afternoon at 4 in the parish of Cardona.


RAMON VILA SERAROLS has lost his life at the age of 89. His funeral service will take place this morning at 10 in the Sala Montserrat of the Àltima-Fontanova funeral home.

JOSEFA MARIANO GUI has died at the age of 78. His farewell will be held today, at 12 noon in the Sala Montserrat of the Àltima-Fontanova mortuary.

JOSEP MARIA SALÓ ORFILA has passed away at the age of 77. His tribute will be held today at 11 a.m. at the Nou Tanatori Manresa de Mémora.


MIGUEL NOGUERAS TAPIA has expired at the age of 83. His memory will be held this afternoon at 2/4 of 5 in the parish of Santa Maria de Sallent.


ISABEL SOLÉ TORRA has ended her life at the age of 64. His burial will take place this afternoon at 5 at the Nou Tanatori Manresa de Mémora.


PILAR SABIO CASTILLO has succumbed at the age of 93. His funeral will take place this morning at 11 in the Sala Montserrat of the Àltima-Fontanova funeral home.


ELISA SOMOLINOS LLORENTE has passed away at the age of 87. His farewell will be held this morning at 10 in the parish of Sant Pere.


LOURDES PUJOLS CAROL has passed away at the age of 88. His farewell will take place this afternoon at 4 in the parish of Avià.


JOSEP CALDERÉ COMELLAS has exhausted his life at the age of 65. His vigil will be held this afternoon at 4 in the parish of La Rodonella.


NÚRIA MARTÍ FARRÉS has ended her life at the age of 89. His offering will be made this afternoon at 4 in the parish of Vallbona d’Anoia.


JOSEP FANÉS FANÉS has ended his existence at the age of 63. His funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 in the ceremony room of Les Magnòlies de la Seu funeral home.

ALFONSA GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ has closed her eyes at the age of 90. His mass will take place this morning at 11 in the church of Santa Magdalena de la Seu.

The data on deaths and funeral services is obtained from the companies in the sector, and we are not responsible for any errors that the companies may make in transmitting names or dates.

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